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One-stop Solution Provider

for FTTH Broadband ISP

Since 2009

Not only Quality Products and Competitive Pricing,

But also Professional Solutions and Technical Support.

Quality Assurance
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Technical Support

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Why OneLanTek?

Quality Assurance

Professional Solutions

Technical Support

Flexible Customization

14+ Years of experience in serving FTTH Broadband ISPs

Two Factories

ONU Router Factory and Fiber Cable Factory, also OEM for famous brands. your order will be in the same production plant as famous Brand. Ensure the quality and delivery of your order.

Save Cost For You.

Technical Support

Experienced sales and engineers will understand your needs, recommend the most suitable solution advice for you. Technical support by Huawei engineer.

You can get our support at any time.

Flexible Customization

Flexible MOQ support and solutions are available. For small custom and rush orders, you can choose from our standard models and customize your logo.

Make Your Brand More Impactful.

One-stop Service for Your FTTH Broadband Project

Comprehensive Solutions for All Your Orders from Top-notch Factories and Skilled Technicians.

Solution Consulting

ONU-Router Factory

Fiber Cable Factory

ONU/Router Workshop

Fiber Cable Workshop



Technical Support

Consult Your FTTH & XPON Solution Expert